
Example call

SonarCocosHelper::GoogleAnalytics::methodToCall( );

Set the screen name

static void setScreenName( cocos2d::__String screenName );

Set dispatch interval (frequency of which data is submitted to the server)

static void setDispatchInterval( int dispatchInterval );

Set a custom event

static void sendEvent( cocos2d::__String category, cocos2d::__String action, cocos2d::__String label, long value );


Example call

SonarCocosHelper.GoogleAnalytics.methodToCall( );

Set the screen name

SonarCocosHelper.GoogleAnalytics.setScreenName = function ( screenName )

Set dispatch interval (frequency of which data is submitted to the server)

SonarCocosHelper.GoogleAnalytics.setDispatchInterval = function ( dispatchInterval )

Set a custom event

SonarCocosHelper.GoogleAnalytics.sendEvent = function (category, action, label, value)