
Example call

SonarCocosHelper::AdMob::methodToCall( );

Show a banner on the top of the screen

static void showBannerAd( );

Show a banner

static void showBannerAd( int position );

Hides all visible ad banners

static void hideBannerAd( );

Hide a banner on the top of the screen

static void hideBannerAd( int position );

Load and then Shows a fullscreen interstitial ad

static void showFullscreenAd( );

Preload a fullscreen interstitial ad

static void preLoadFullscreenAd();

Shows the preloaded fullscreen interstitial ad

static void showPreLoadedFullscreenAd();


Example call

SonarCocosHelper.AdMob.methodToCall( );

Show a banner

SonarCocosHelper.AdMob.showBannerAd = function ( position )

Hides ad banner(s)

SonarCocosHelper.AdMob.hideBannerAd = function ( position )

Load and then Shows a fullscreen interstitial ad

SonarCocosHelper.AdMob.showFullscreenAd = function ()